About the Impact Report
We live in a time of transition and change, the climate crisis and the responsibility of business for a viable society are pressing issues that affect us all.
As an SME VAST FORWARD wants to face this responsibility, and as a team we want to contribute towards a better future with responsibility and care.
We set the starting point for this common journey as a team at the beginning of 2019. As an emergence from a series of internal Lunch & Learns, we launched the VAST GREEN project, which includes the preparation, planning, creation and implementation of the VAST FORWARD Sustainability Strategy. We focus on a holistic approach – with a process that we, professionally accompanied, implement together as an extended VAST GREEN team – Research, Measure, Set SMART Targets, Plan for Change, Take Action, Report, Transform.
The framework is set by the regulatory framework for a transparent supply chain, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, our own sustainability principles and findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Our Impact Report is divided into the 3 pillars of sustainability, which were first defined by the Brundtland Commission in 1987, and focus on economic, environmental and social development. They are also referred to as the 3 P’s or Triple Bottom Line – Planet, People, Profit and are always intertwined.
As an SME, we want to contribute to counteracting climate change, which is endangering our existence, within the scope of our possibilities. Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement can only succeed if we work collaboratively, transformative and with the help of best practices to achieve this goal.Julia Koç